Why aren’t you smiling?
There’s a saying in Judaism, “A smile can change the world.”
When I dine out in different restaurants, I am so surprised by one disturbing trend: Why are most of the food servers frowning? They have a job, they’re making money, the restaurant is rather nice, but they look miserable. Why? Well, they may be miserable, but no one has observed them or led by example. When you work in retail, you need to smile even when no one seems to be watching you. The food tastes better when everyone is smiling. Smiling is contagious and when everyone is smiling (naturally, and not in a creepy way), you begin forgetting about your problems.
At your favorite restaurant, the food should taste great, the bathroom should be clean, but if you, the owner, look unhappy and everyone is miserable, I’m probably going to visit another restaurant. We all have rotten things happening in our lives- a fight with a boss, someone who hates your book, your dog dies. Everyone wants to be connected and buy from winners- happy winners. If you’re frowning. If your business is struggling, one of the missing pieces could just be a smile.